The Winner is........

Published: Thu, 03/31/16

Vine Ridge Retreats Spring Newsletter
Hello Friends of Vine Ridge 

Easter has passed with customers starting to use the pools and enjoy the gorgeous area for walking and catching some early season sun.

The newest winner of a weeks stay in our poolside studio are Mr and Mrs Townsend CONGRATULATIONS.
Plenty of special offers on at the moment so please take a look, our great discounts covers large and small places.

Not too many places left for the main summer months now, but please say if you need some help.

Looking forward to seeing many regulars returning and of course new guests.

For all of you starting to think about September onward holidays then we will be starting some offers soon !

Thank you all for your support and please do feel free to pass this newsletter onto friends and family.

Kind regards

David & Jacqui
Vine Ridge Retreats